May 03, 2002

I've noticed a lot of bloggers have posted thoughts about Arafat's comment about "Jeningrad", and they have made references to Stalingrad.

Was Arafat comparing Jenin to Stalingrad, or to Leningrad? Both cities were besieged for long periods of time by the Germans, and both successfully resisted capture. Besides, *Jeningrad* has that euphonious similarity to Leningrad.

Just an idle musing.

posted on May 03, 2002 01:38 PM


Almost certainly Stalingrad. The Palestinians are maintaining that this was an enormous victory, not simply for holding out (a la Leningrad), but because "repeated defeats" were inflicted on the Israelis. Moreover, the Israelis failed to hold Jenin (never mind that they hadn't tried), and the Israelis lost more troops there than they had since the 1982 war in Lebanon.

Leningrad, by contrast, is simply a case of holding out (and, perhaps, the Church of the Nativity will become the Palestinian Leningrad, in this regard).

posted by Dean on May 3, 2002 08:54 PM

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