David Frum, writing on National Review Online had an interesting observation on Howard Dean's serial slanders against Republicans:
And is the insinuation here that there's something wrong with being white or Christian? That whites and Christians are a rather unattractive and robotically single-minded bunch? (If true, by the way, that would sure have spared Europe a lot of wars over the past 2500+ years ...) Isn't that an unwise thing to say for a Dem chairman who has promised to reach out to red state America?I'm trying to think of what would be a Republican equivalent of a remark as omindirectionally bone-headed as Dean's. Here's my invention: It is the equivalent of a Republican party chairman sneering at the Dems, "Look at these people! It looks as if none of them ever cashed a dividend check in their lives! Why they have no stake in the country at all....."
Frum is right; can you imagine the outraged howls if Ken Mehlman ever said anything like that? Of course, the usual left-wing suspects are sniveling that the protests from conservatives are just another example of the "right-wing noise machine", that Republicans have no reason to be upset. Breaking out the mirror sometimes exposes the insanity of the arguments being presented by a party, in this case the Democrats.
posted on June 11, 2005 08:12 PM
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